DHS 20th Anniversary

“Reflections, and regrets, 20 years after I opened the Department of Homeland Security,” by Tom Ridge for the Philadelphia Inquirer This was my second draft notice. The first came from Richard Nixon in 1969 and took me to Southeast Asia. More than 30 years later came notice number two, this time from George W. Bush. […]
Ridge Global Report: vulnerabilities inpower industry supply chain may increaserisk of successful cyber attack on electric grid

WASHINGTON, Feb. 25, 2020 – Cyber-related vulnerabilities in the electric sector supply chain present a “clear and present danger” to U.S. national security and are growing as information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) products and services converge in the evolving electric grid, according to a new study commissioned by Protect Our Power. The imminent threat […]
Governor Tom Ridge’s statement on the passing of former First Lady Barbara Bush

GOV. TOM RIDGE STATEMENT ON THE PASSING OF BARBARA BUSH WASHINGTON, DC — Gov. Tom Ridge tonight issued the following statement on the passing of Barbara Bush: “Even though we knew she had been quite ill, the news of Barbara’s passing still comes as such a shock. Perhaps it’s because Michele and I still vividly
Tom Ridge: technology used by the US for border security will help restore trust in society

In the months after the 9/11 terror attacks, those of us building the nascent Department of Homeland Security were seeking ways to better defend our borders – particularly our air and seaports. The US-VISIT program was created to protect the nation by providing biometric identification services that help federal, state and local government decision makers
Governor Ridge Celebrates Founding and 15th Anniversary of DHS

Proud to revisit the founding and mission of DHS today with Secretary Nielsen and so many important leaders who keep the Homeland Secure.” – Tom Ridge U.S. Customs and Border Protection Hosts DHS 15th Anniversary Event Formed in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the Department of Homeland Security, of which U.S. […]
Arnold Palmer charitable trust pledges $250,000 to Ridge collection at Mercyhurst University

One of the most unexpected but lasting friendships made during my time in public service was my friendship with Arnold Palmer. He was many things to many people, but to me, a dear and beloved friend for over 20 years. I think of him often and miss the regular visits and times together when
Transport Workers Union, Tom Ridge to probe outsourced plane repairs

Just how friendly are U.S. skies? Former U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge has been hired to find out. TWU said it has specifically requested that Ridge focus on whether the “off-shoring” of such work to foreign countries is a danger to the American public
Crayon, Secured2 and RCRG Announce Partnership at the Microsoft Government Cloud Forum

Crayon Software Experts, Secured2 Corporation and Ridge Global / Risk Cooperative today announced a partnership that brings industry-leading cybersecurity, cyberliability insurance and customer fulfillment together as one solution ensuring seamless customer integrations into Microsoft Azure. The partnership leverages the core strengths of each company. Secured2 and Ridge Global
Risk Cooperative Approved as a Coverholder at Lloyd’s with Proprietary Cyber Insurance Facility

Specialist risk advisory firm offers up to $10 million in stand-alone cyber insurance coverage for SMEs (Washington, D.C. October 11, 2017) Risk Cooperative, a specialized insurance and risk advisory firm is pleased to announce its approval as a Lloyd’s coverholder. This ability to provide up to $10 million in stand-alone cyber insurance coverage matches the […]
Secured2 Corporation, Risk Cooperative and Ridge Global Announce Partnership to provide cyber liability protection for all Secured2 customers

Secured2 Corporation, in partnership with Risk Cooperative and Ridge Global, today announced the creation of a breakthrough cyber liability insurance policy. This proprietary innovation, available in Fall 2017, will offer a combination of ?beyond encryption data security and indemnification insurance to all customers of Microsoft that are using