Manage risk
Before it manages you
Building more cyber secure and resilient organizations

Ridge Global offers the latest technology, best-in-class insurance and is an international thought-leader on cyber security. Our experts help organizations proactively address the real and imminent threats of a cyber breach.
Access comprehensive risk management solutions
Ridge Global was founded by Tom Ridge, the first U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security and 43rd Governor of Pennsylvania, to help organizations decrease security risks. He has assembled a team of globally recognized experts who offer strategic counsel on identifying, preparing for and mitigating cyber risk. Ridge Global continually provides clients with best in class support in solving 21st century security challenges.

The Company’s News

DHS 20th Anniversary
“Reflections, and regrets, 20 years after I opened the Department of Homeland Security,” by Tom Ridge for the Philadelphia Inquirer This was my second draft notice. The first came from Richard Nixon in 1969 and took me to Southeast Asia. More than 30 years later came notice number two, this time from George W. Bush. The president…
Ridge Global Report: vulnerabilities in power industry supply chain may increase risk of successful cyber attack on electric grid
WASHINGTON, Feb. 25, 2020 – Cyber-related vulnerabilities in the electric sector supply chain present a “clear and present danger” to U.S. national security and are growing as information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) products and services converge in the evolving electric grid, according to a new study commissioned by Protect Our Power. The imminent threat…